General Radiology
General radiology is a medical imaging technique using x-rays to obtain x-ray images of specific body parts.

Available at the
Maisonneuve and Bélanger clinics
About the Exam
General radiology is an exam lasting approximately 5 to 15 minutes and enables the detection of injuries, fractures, infections, degenerative diseases and other pathologies.

This exam is done without an appointment and no preparation is necessary. For any abdominal or pelvic exam, it is best that you urinate beforehand.
Do not undergo this exam if you are pregnant.
Exam Process
You will be met by one of our assistants, who will accompany you to the changing room.
Depending on the body part concerned, the technologist will have you take a variety of positions, lying down or upright, in order to obtain the x-ray images.
You may leave our building once the exam is completed.
What You May Experience
General radiology is a completely sensation-free exam.
After the Exam
The results of your exam will be sent to your referring physician, who will take care of any necessary follow-up.
Other Services Offered
General Radiology
(Without an appointment)
X-ray medical imaging technique
Ultrasound-based medical imaging technique
Injection Therapy
Injection of an anti-inflammatory or lubricating product
Barium Swallow
Study of the upper digestive tract
Study of mammary glands using x-rays
Measurement of bone density
Barium Enema
X-ray exam of the large intestine
Small Bowel Follow-Through
Study of the lining of the small intestine
Cardiac ultrasound
Medical imaging test that uses ultrasound to study the anatomy and function of the heart and its structures
Contact us
Do you still have unanswered questions? Contact us. Our team will be happy to answer.